Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Carmel Artist Satch featured in London Group Exhibition

I am thrilled that Satch was chosen to produce a work for this exhibit:
Opening with a private reception on December 3 Nolias Gallery in London England presents "Postcards from Dystopia," an international exhibition of thirty artists presenting visions of a menacing universe with a collection of postcard sized works. This group exhibit is in conjunction with a showcase of larger paintings of ominous dystopian territories by Tutte Newall and Andrew Hladky. The exhibition runs through December 21.
In May Carmel artist Satch was selected to produce a work for the exhibit. Her work entitled, "Unknown Pleasure" depicts the long lost pleasure of conceiving and bearing a child into the world. Re-population has been replaced with a surgical procedure and all women eventually become barren. It is an assemblage including a vintage wood box, nails, assorted paper and a commercial hair trimming attachment.
Dystopia is a futuristic or imagined territory where a universal menace prevails. Our present culture holds a fascination with the concept of our own ordered civilization's collapse into chaos. Curated by Tutte Newall, 'Postcards from Dystopia" explores this idea by delving into the realms of the imaginary and issuing visions from a dystopian and desolate environment.
Located in Bankside at 60 Great Suffolk Street, London SE1 0BL, Nolias Gallery is just five minutes from Tate Modern.
For additional information contact Satch via email, Satch@indy.net and visit her website, http://satch-artist.com where the work, "Unknown Pleasure" can be viewed.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
New Work

Monday, November 23, 2009
New Work

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
More New Work

Saturday, November 7, 2009
New Work

I feel like a portion of my work is starting to take on an undertone of the recessionary, yet still consumer driven, times in which we live.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A couple of reminders
Singular Images at Midland Arts and Antiques Market Downtown and The Spirit of Place: Northern New Mexico at Midland Arts Carmel, run through November 30th.
"A Petite Format Exhibit" at Zionsville's Kellar Mahaney Gallery opens at Noon this Saturday. Click here for an article about the exhibit from the Indianapolis Star.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Petite Format Exhibit
"A Petite Format Exhibit"
Small Art Works for the Gift-Giving Season
Selected Local and Regional Artists
November 7, 2009 through January 16, 2010
Kellar Mahaney Gallery
270 South Main Street in Zionsville, Indiana
The Kellar Mahaney Gallery is a premier gallery of contemporary fine art in Zionsville. If you have never been to the gallery, I invite you to make the drive to Zionsville to visit. The space is great, there is an excellent variety of work and the staff is warm and friendly.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Artist Reception Oct. 11, 1 to 4 p.m.

(Click on photograph to enlarge)
This Sunday, October 11, from 1 to 4 p.m., Julie and I are hosting a reception at Midland Arts Carmel for the exhibit, The Spirit of Place: Northern New Mexico. Please join us for refreshments and I will be discussing and answering questions about the exhibition's photographs. Scroll down the blog for directions to Midland Arts Carmel. We look forward to seeing you.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Singular Images - Opens October 2, 2009

Artist Statement
The photographs in the exhibit are singular images. They were made in reaction to a place (physical or mental), an environment, or an opportunity. They were not made as a part of a body of work.
Some images were made in a moment’s notice, even out of the car window. Some images were thought out as an expression of what I was feeling or thinking about. Some images were made when an opportunity presented itself to record a frozen instant of time. Some images were made when I wanted to look beyond the obvious characteristics and form of a subject.
The graffiti photographs were made several ago years on a beautiful sunny day at an abandoned water tank in rural New Mexico. While going through my archive, these images made an impression on my wife, Julie, and me. She felt that there was a concept waiting to be harvested. In the past, we have both made images of graffiti. Typically we use a smaller detail out of a larger scene for the subject. This same concept was applied to the two photographs of graffiti - the larger scene is broken down into smaller singular images.
The installation concept of the exhibit was created, designed and implemented by Julie Kern of Satch Art Studio.
The graffiti photographs were made with a 4”x5” Crown Graphic. All other photographs were made with a Diana+ or a Holga, both plastic cameras. The photographs are archivally printed on Museo Silver Rag paper.
Enormous thanks to Robert Lebow, M.D., Steve, Shannon, Greg, Michael and everybody at Midland for making this exhibit possible. Special thanks to Johnathan for placing exhibit postcards all over downtown Indianapolis.
Ron Kern
September 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Spirit of Place: Northern New Mexico Opens Tonight
The early reviews of the work are very positive. I look forward to sharing the photographs and answering any questions about the work.
Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Exhibit: Photographs presenting the spirit of the culture and landscape of Northern New Mexico.
Opening Saturday, September 26, 2009 in conjunction with the Carmel International Arts Festival
Opening Reception Hosted by Midland Arts: Saturday, September 26, 5 - 8 PM
Artist Reception: Sunday, October 11, 1 - 4 PM (Satch and I will be hosting this one)
Exhibit Ends: November 30, 2009
Northern New Mexico can simply mean the northern part of New Mexico, but in cultural terms it typically means the area of heavy Spanish settlement and the eight northern Indian pueblos located in the north central portion of the state.
The Spanish and Native American cultures, many times intertwined, meld with the landscape, sky and ever-changing light making Northern New Mexico an intoxicating and inspiring place.
The Spanish and Native American cultures meld with the landscape, sky and ever-changing light, making Northern New Mexico an inspiring place.
The arts are an inescapable and important element in the culture. Pueblo potters and jewelers, and Spanish carvers and weavers, are all a large part of the fabric of life. Over the years, artists from all parts of the world have made their way to Northern New Mexico. Many exceptional artists, such as Sharp, Blumenschein, Higgins, Fechin and O’Keefe made Northern New Mexico their home and not only left their indelible mark on the art world, but also helped shape the way we view, and think about, Northern New Mexico.
Religion is an important part of day to day life in New Mexico and is the basis for the rich history of the southwestern United States and especially Northern New Mexico. The eventual conquest of the Native Americans by the Spanish resulted in Catholicism being the predominant religion of the region. But, the Catholic religion does not have a straightforward existence. The pueblo culture intertwines Catholicism with ancient Indian religious rites. One will find both Catholic churches and kivas in pueblo villages. The Penitente Brotherhood has a long history in Northern New Mexico and is still active. Morada’s dot the landscape where the Brotherhood meets to serve its community.
Northern New Mexico is rich in its cultural significance, spirituality and landscape - the oldest church in the United States is in Santa Fe, Native Americans continue to sell their wares at the Palace of the Governors, deep red light envelopes the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) mountains at sunset, evidence of miracles abound at Santuario de Chimayo, Spanish villages are tucked into the mountains on the High Road to Taos, Taos Pueblo, and on and on. Experiencing the sacred spirit found in all that embodies and forms Northern New Mexico’s history and existence will change one’s perspective on life.
Over the course of many, many years of visiting and experiencing Northern New Mexico, I made numerous photographs, some of which are in this exhibit of fine photography that presents the spirit of this captivating and fascinating place.
Ron Kern
September 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009

Here are a couple of photographs from Fountain Square in Indianapolis. Yep, color photographs.
I need to get back down there and make more pictures.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Lake Michigan Sequence

Click on the sequence to enlarge.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Portrait & House

Don't forget to click on the photographs to enlarge.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Photograph

That being said, from the past couple of weeks I have a little new work. Here is a photograph from just northeast of downtown Indianapolis. As per popular request, I am titling this photograph "2-B."
As always, click on the photograph to enlarge.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here's an excerpt: ...you see a statue with trees and the sky in the background. But the sky itself seems to bleed into the foreground statue. This photograph seems to have an unexpected quality of depth -- beyond the mere surface of things. Check out the rest of Dan's review here. Click here to view the entire exhibit online.
It sure great to see so many photography exhibits in Indianapolis. Heart be still, now through March 21, 2010, the Indianapolis Museum of Art, in the Golden Gallery, has an exhibition of photography - "Paired Photographs." IMA has an excellent collection of photography and it's about time that it is starting to see the light of day. There have been many changes since Maxwell Anderson took the reins at IMA. He has some critics but all of the changes I've seen are positive. Since his arrival, we are already seeing the second significant exhibition of photography. The first was the amazing set of prints from Robert Frank's "The Americans" in conjunction with Kerouak's "On the Road" manuscript. Maxwell and his staff have been sensitive to the needs of the musem going public by revising the food service. I'm starting to go way off on a tangent here. On another day, maybe I'll post more about IMA.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'll be making a post or two about our reception, the invasion of the relatives and the Neko Case concert as I get a little more time. The exhibition at Clowes is going very well. James Cramer has made everything incredible and has handled our consternations (is that a word?) in the nicest possible manner.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Photography Archive
As always, I welcome comments and discussion about the pictures.
Ron Kern Photography Archive
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Clowes Hall Grand Lobby Portfolio
Happy Fourth of July.
First Friday, July 3, 2009
We also attended the final First Friday opening at the Ruschman Gallery. Mark Ruschman, one of the most respected gallery owners, and a leader of the arts community, in Indianapolis will be closing his gallery at the end of July. Here's an article from Nuvo where Mark gives an "exit interview." And, you can view the Farewell Exhibition here.
We ended the evening with a wonderful dinner at Amici's. Accompanied by our friends Robert, Steve, Naomi and Linda, we enjoyed the best Italian food and wine in Indianapolis. Special thanks to our host Robert.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Personal Influences - Part 2C
Bizarro World
Reach Through the fog that fools us all.
Reality is not man-made. The literal world that we see and
know every day is deceptive and fast disappearing.
Walk carefully the path of solid ground: discipline,
friendships, faith, and love of self and others are
your only hope.
From Poems: Solitary View
Karen Bruner Stroup

This is the last post about my personal influences.
Mike and Karen Stroup are long-time friends. Mike is an excellent photographer (get busy Mike, we are waiting to see new work!) and Karen is a very talented writer.
Mike and I go back to the middle 1980s as members of Photo Venture. We hung several shows and worked on projects such as "A Day in the Life of Broad Ripple" together. Mike was also a charter member of Invision. To this day, he is a member of that organization and only because of him does Invision continue to exist.
A couple of years ago Mike shared a book with me that he had made of his photographs. He encouraged me to do the same. This started me back on the track of making photographs. I had stopped photographing because of reasons that I don't need to go into here. But, I had bought a digital camera and had been amassing plenty of digital files with which I had done nothing. So, thanks to Mike, Satch and I decided to do a book together with a selection of her current work and an edited selection of pictures that I had made over the past five years.
On a trip to Michigan I photographed at the Sunset Junque Shoppe (SSJS). Feeling a sense of renewal that day I decided to again make photographs. Again, later in the year, I made more pictures at the SSJS. I felt very good about the work and sensed a turning point in my photography. I decided to do a book. I asked Karen if she would write something for the book if I sent her the images to view. She asked what I wanted and I replied that she could write whatever she cared to write. Karen wrote six beautiful poems that got at the essence of what I was trying to convey in my photographs. The collaboration turned out wonderfully. I hope that we can do something with the book in the future. Time will tell.
The bottom line is that Mike and Karen provided me with a creative kick in the pants and a lot of what my work is about today is owed to them.
My wife Satch bought a Diana+ (a plastic camera) for me as a Christmas present. I had been struggling with what I wanted to convey in my photographs. I used Adobe Photoshop to work on the pictures from the Sunset Junque Shop to gain the feeling that I wanted but felt that was not going to work for the long haul. Digital photography was great, but it fell short with what I wanted in my photographs. Satch didn't want to see me go back to straight photography, She felt the technical side held me back, and she was correct. So, she thought a toy camera that had very few adjustments and a plastic lens was just the ticket and would free up the creative aspect of my picture making. I haven't turned back since. As I mentioned in an earlier post, David Michael Kennedy suggested using a Holga. So now the Diana+ and the Holga are the only cameras that I use creatively. These were the tools for which I had always been searching.
Ted Orland came to Indianapolis via the Eiteljorg Museum to give a couple of lectures and a workshop. Ted was an assistant to Ansel Adams for many years and knew all of the players in what I term the golden age of photography. Ted is an excellent photographer and an exceptional writer. Having the chance to speak with Ted about many of the great photographers that I have looked up to and get the real story was both interesting and inspiring. He gave a short workshop on Photoshop which opened my eyes to some available techniques that fit right in with the work I was doing. And, his book "Art and Fear" is necessary reading for anybody that wants to produce creative work. Ted got my juices flowing and opened my eyes to many possibilities.
That wraps up the posts about my personal influences. Whew.
Postscript: Earlier today while I was putting this post together, I thought about a fellow photographer that has since passed, David Lee Miller. David's photography was both poetic and lyrical. I miss David.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Clowes Hall Grand Lobby Portfolio Book

The first edition is a softback book printed on premium paper and is limited to 25 signed copies. Copies will be available for purchase at the gallery talk/reception on June 28, 2009 from 1 - 5 PM. Anybody that cannot make the gallery talk/reception and is interested in purchasing a copy can also contact me via email at ronkernphoto@gmail.com.
I've taken a little time off posting here as I've had some catching up to do. We took a quick trip to Michigan right after we finished hanging the exhibit at Clowes Hall. I really didn't make many photographs as the time was more about R&R.
But, I did revisit a subject that I had photographed on our last trip. I liked the photograph that I posted here on May 6th, but wasn't completely pleased with it. So I approached the subject in a different way with a different attitude.

I will return soon and finish up, as promised, the post about my influences.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Clowes Hall Exhibit Opens

Don't forget about the gallery talk and reception (party) on June 28, 2007. And, feel free to contact us at ronkernphoto@gmail.com if you would like for us to meet you and view the exhibit.
Here's a photo of Satch with one of her pieces, My Little Darling.

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Personal Influences Part 2B
Dale Bernstein - Dale is an incredibly accomplished photographer. His understanding and control of his craft and and how he applies that craft to making creative images is inspiring. Using some of the most difficult photographic processes, such as daguerreotype, ambrotype and wetplate collodion, Dale has produced amazing images. His ability to expertly combine all of the elements that he chooses to make an expressive image led me to think more deeply about the entire process of making a picture.
Dale printed and assisted for several of history's greatest contemporary photographers - Avedon, Penn, Horst. He has always been willing to share stories, etc. about working with these great photographers thereby giving insight into the creative process of a world that I can only imagine.
Stephen Rose - Steve was a professor of photography in Boston and has been a dealer of fine photography for many years. Steve's understanding of photography is on a plane far above mine. His perspective, comments and observations, to this day, cause me to evaluate my views and look deeper into many aspects of photography. Steve also makes excellent photographs. Studying the images that he produces, realizing his vast understanding of the art form, is always interesting and makes me realize that making an image should be a very personal thing rather than an impersonal amalgamation of what one has learned and studied.
Denis Ryan Kelly Jr. - It's really hard to know where to start with Denis regarding his influence on my work. Is it his incredibly warm, welcoming and friendly personality, his unflagging dedication to his vision and art, his willingness to share? With Denis, all of these elements are parts of the entire package.
Denis has traveled the world making wonderful photographs capturing the essence and spirit of his objects of discovery and study. Trying to find words to adequately describe Denis' work is beyond my limited writing capability. At this time he is installing his large format, multi-media exhibit, "Holy Lands, Journeys of a Pilgrim Artist" at his alma mater, Wabash College. He is presenting a colloquium on Friday the 5th of June at 1:00PM in Hayes Hall.
Part 2B, about Invision members Mike and Karen Stroup, and Ted Orland, will continue very soon in a future post.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Two books now available
Putting it all together
Monday, May 25, 2009
Influences Pt. 2A - David Michael Kennedy

I am the fortunate recipient of so many personal influences that it is going to be difficult to discuss them in a brief manner. Many of the influences go back many years and are complex. Maybe the best way to accomplish this self ascribed task is a list of sorts, in no particular order. There will be more than one installment of part 2.
This is part 2A - David Michael Kennedy
Where to begin... at the beginning! - I knew some of David's photography long before I met him. His 1975 landscape photograph for Springsteen's Nebraska album cover perfectly set the stage for the music on arguably Springsteen's greatest LP. The photographs inside the album, and the ones used for promotion of the album, revealed Springsteen stripped away of any corporate packaging. But I had no clue about who was David Michael Kennedy.
Satch and I were in New Mexico sometime in the late 1980's, probably 1988, and stopped in Madrid on the way to Santa Fe. At the Madrid Supply Company we saw some amazing photographs by David Michael Kennedy. Printed in palladium, the prints were beautiful. The light was perfectly captured in all of the photographs. And there were photographs of Springsteen from the Nebraska session. Aha!
When in Santa Fe we went to Andrew Smith's Gallery and, to our surprise, we were able to view many more of David's photographs as a big exhibit of his work was going up. (Ask Satch about the Snow Owls). We simply loved everything about the photographs.
The next day we headed out to the Santa Fe Flea Market - which at that time was incredible - and while winding our way through all of the amazing stuff we happened upon a bunch of David's photographs spread out on a door that was supported by a couple of sawhorses. These photographs were silver prints rather than the palladium prints that we had viewed at Madrid Supply and Andrew Smith's. David's former wife, Lucy, was selling work prints to make some money. We were in heaven. Being of modest means we actually found some photographs of David's that we could afford! Among others that we purchased that day were a portrait of Bob Dylan and an outtake from the Nebraska session. We were on cloud 9 and pretty much hooked.
That same evening, at Andrew Smith's, there was an opening reception for an exhibit of David's work. We went but I was too nervous to actually talk to David, I mean, c'mon, he photographed Springsteen for Nebraska, which was pure magic for a Springsteen freak like me - AND he photographed Dylan in a way that I had never seen - I wouldn't have the nerve to actually talk to him. After a while Satch broke the ice. Like I said, ask her about the Snow Owls photograph. We had a nice short conversation which led us to keeping in touch over the years of triumphs and tribulations.
David's body of work is nothing short of incredible. His photographs of Native American dancers, portraits and landscapes show the versatility, compassion, sympathy and expertise of his artistry and his craft.
Over the years there are many, many things that I have learned from David while viewing and appreciating his work.
His use of light in combination with the composition of a subject is something that I never tire of.
David's understanding and skillful use of his tools and materials to present his work completes his vision.
His dedication to what he is artistically pursuing is something to behold. Overcoming tribal politics, his amazing portfolio of photographs of the Eight Northern Pueblo Dancers took a constant effort of seven years. His most recent project, traveling the back roads of the United State for two years in a vintage Airstream camper, photographing a large part of my country that is mostly unseen, and maybe even forgotten, has produced an incredible body of work.
Last year in a telephone conversation, while Satch and I were in Chicago, David encouraged me to try the Holga. I had been using a Diana+ which I still love for multiple exposures. Immediately upon returning home I purchased a Holga which has been my camera of choice from that point on. The Holga was the key for which I had been searching for many years.
After coming off of the road and a couple of brief detours, David now lives in El Rito New Mexico. I really do encourage anyone reading this blog to take the time to delve into David's work and story on his website. Photographers and fans of great photography will find many articles, photographs and excellent information. And, the blog of his two year road trip, well I've used enough superlatives - when you dig into it, you'll understand.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Finished Printing
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Printing and Influences Pt. 1

I mentioned earlier that I would post something about my influences. In two parts I'm going to briefly write about photographers and others who have had an impact on my work. It's not easy for me to put into words much of what I feel about this subject, but here goes...
The spirituality of Minor White's photographs is what tripped a switch inside of my brain that photography could transcend the simple recording of a scene. He was able to combine Ansel Adams' Zone System with the idea of equivalence as put forth by Stieglitz. Minor has an exceptional ability to see past the obvious of his environment and record scenes and portraits within exceptional light that reflected memories and the elusive inner spirit.
From a letter to Ansel Adams (May 17, 1964 Rochester, NY):
Semantically I make or accept and try to understand the esoteric use of the word Life and the opposite word Spirit. The first refers to all of nature and man that meets my senses both inner and outer, and which I am born into and also an CAUGHT in. On one hand it is to be avoided, and on the other hand it is all I have by which to encounter the seed of Spirit. The world of Spirit is practically unknown to me, maybe the tiniest speck has been seen, and it is quite different than Life, very different, to my state it seems quite the opposite.
In this preface to an unknown manuscript (1964 Rochester NY) Minor writes about Equivalence:
Equivalence - Recollections of the past with love balanced the greed. And I have blessed the metamorphosing power of camera because it thereby yields images corresponding to my memories of things past. Equivalence grew out of this. Equivalence in camera whereby the invisible is made visible to the intuition, the invisible organic, the invisible spirit.
Below are two examples of Minor White's work:

Seeing Robert Franks's original prints from the "The Americans" at IMA last year reaffirmed my view that photographs can transcend simple documentation.
Other photographers whose work I admire: Paul Caponigro, Edward Weston, Brett Weston, Paul Strand (esp. his work in New Mexico and his garden in Orgeval, France), Stieglitz, William Christenberry and many others.
The best advice that I have read:
“Concern yourself not with the question whether the medium of photography is art. The question is dated and absurd to begin with. You are art or not; what you produce is or isn’t. And don’t think about that either, just do, act.”
William Christenberry
In part two I will write about personal friends that have influenced my work.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Clowes Exhibit Printing - Close...

Today's image was made in Nashville, Indiana. It is a multiple exposure of elements within a small area, including the sky. If I remember correctly, this is a combination of five or six exposures.
The Diana+ broke just minutes after the image was exposed. We were able to superglue it back together thanks to the help of a nice local lady. Since then it has broken again and has been agressively re-superglued. I'm hoping that the camera holds together as I really love the quality of image that comes from the plastic lens.
I hope to make a post about those that have influenced my photography in the next week, if time permits...
(click on photograph to enlarge)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Last Photo From MI

(click on the photograph to enlarge)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009

(click on photo to enlarge)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Final Stages

Here's a photograph that will be in the Clowes Exhibit. It was made at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 2008.
(click on the photograph to enlarge)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

With the help of Satch, I've begun editing the Clowes Hall exhibit. There are a couple of different directions that we are considering. The final idea has not yet revealed itself. In time it will. I hope anyhow, because I've got a lot of work to do to get to final prints!
Monday, April 20, 2009

Here is an image from that session.
(click on the photograph to enlarge)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Equivalent 2008

They are generally recognized as the first photographs intended to free the subject matter from literal interpretation, and, as such, are some of the first completely abstract works of art.*
This photograph was made in Indianapolis in the Spring of 2008.
*From Wikipedia
(click on the photograph to enlarge)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Lake Michigan

Many times I am asked what a particular photograph is supposed to mean, what is it's significance, etc. Each photograph that I present contains intendment and was made as a reaction to a particular stimulus or inspiration. But I do not desire to impress any preconceived idea onto a viewer. Rather I entreat the viewer to find their own interpretation and meaning within the photograph.
(click on the photograph to enlarge)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The photograph posted today was made in 2008 with a Diana+. The location is just north of downtown Indianapolis. One of my current projects is to present, in a minimalist fashion, the manufactured environment that has been created within my sphere of life. I'll post more on this another day.
(click on the photo to enlarge)
Monday, April 6, 2009

Work is moving forward for the Clowes Hall exhibit June 1 through August 3, 2009. In total there will be 13 (maybe 14) images presented. The photographs were made with Diana+ and Holga cameras. The archival inkjet prints are mounted to frames designed and constructed by Edward Satchwill II. Final print selection will be made very soon. I have one more subject that I want to photograph for consideration.
The photograph shown on this post will be included in the exhibit.
(click on photo to enlarge)