Wednesday, January 11, 2012


For some time now I've alluded to changes that were forthcoming.  So, today I thought I would post the bottom line. 

In the coming days I will write an essay about this decision and Julie and I are considering making a video interview about this and a few other things.

So here is the bottom line:  I am "retiring" from photography and the photography community.  This does not mean that I will no longer be making photographs; I will continue to photograph but in a much more limited and private way.

The last few weeks have been a hoot.  I've been going out with a little bit of a bang thanks to the 2 Photographers Works In Progress Exhibit at Midland Arts and Antiques Market, Mad Art Gallery in Dublin showing some of my new Polaroid work and the effort to save Carmel's grain elevator.

So that's it!

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